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Nucleus Paragon Pour Over Stand 冰石手沖咖啡架

Nucleus Paragon Pour Over Stand 冰石手沖咖啡架

定價 HK$1,200.00
定價 HK$1,280.00 售價 HK$1,200.00
Sale 特價 Sold Out 售罄

Sasa Sestic and Professor Chahan in collaboration with The Coffee Excellence Centre ZHAW University of Science in Switzerland introduce the latest innovation from Nucleus Coffee Tools!

After 2 years of research, development and hard work - we welcome the Paragon. The research carried out has uncovered a never-before-seen brewing style that produces and retains 40% more aroma volatile compounds by the unique Extract Chilling Technique. The technique works by capturing those volatile aroma compounds with the speciality designed Paragon Chilling Rock.

Size, shape and material have all been careful considerations in curating this design, which allows the coffee to be dispersed over the rock in a thin layer, capturing volatile aromas without compromising your hot coffee. Made from lightweight aluminium, and designed with the help of industrial designers, the unit is guaranteed to be both functional and durable. The Paragon Chilling Rock is made from food-grade, 304 stainless steel with a titanium coating for durability. The core of the Rock is filled with a gel-based liquid. This construction increases the mass of the Rock, which, compared with hollow, or water filled cores, increases its chill effect. 

The Paragon features three tiers:

  1. The top tier of the stand allows you to customise your Paragon with your favourite brewing device! Simply add your favourite V60 or other pourover brewer and a paper filter onto the top tier.
  2. The middle tier has been designed to hold the unique and mesmerising Paragon Chilling Rock. Remove the Rock from your freezer and place it in the holder on the second tier.
  3. The final tier is a small drip tray, which catches any drips from the Rock or the brewer once your brew is complete, making clean-up simple and minimal. 

Each tier is completely adjustable so you can use your favourite brewing devices and vessels, no matter their size, and swing them easily to the side once you have completed brewing. The vertical pole features clear markings so you can record adjustments so you can easily repeat your favourite recipes. Underneath the drip try, you can place your favourite server on the base of the Paragon stand, which sits on your brewing scales. 


  • Dimensions: 165mm (W) x 120mm (L) x 260mm (H)
  • Stand Material: Lightweight Aluminium Alloy
  • Rock Material: Food-grade, 304 Stainless Steel with a titanium coating
  • Waterproof: Yes
  • Includes 2 x Paragon Chilling Rocks

Cleaning Tips:

  • Give the Paragon Chilling Rock a quick rinse and wipe dry. 
  • No soap required. Do not clean in the dishwasher. 

Sasa Sestic與瑞士蘇黎世應用科技大學 ZHAW Prof. Chahan &Coffee Excellence Center 合作,推出了最新的Nucleus Coffee Tools創新產品。

經過兩年的研究、開發工作,Paragon終於問世。通過獨特的萃取冷卻技術,Sasa 他們發現了一種前所未見的沖泡方式,能夠產生並保留咖啡液體中40%更多的揮發性香氣化合物。這項技術通過專為Paragon設計的冷卻石,捕捉咖啡液體中茉莉花香的風味。

在設計Paragon時,Sasa 他們經過仔細考慮了尺寸、形狀和材料,使咖啡可以以薄薄的一層分散在冷卻石上,捕捉揮發性香氣,同時不影響咖啡的熱度。 Paragon採用輕量級鋁材製成,並經過工業設計師的協助,保證了其功能性和耐用性。冷卻岩石則採用食品級304不銹鋼材料製成,表面塗有鈦塗層,提高了其耐用性。冷卻石的核心充滿了高密度液體,這種構造增加了冷卻石的重量,相比空心或充滿水的冷卻石,增加了它的冷卻效果。


尺寸:165毫米(寬)x 120毫米(長)x 260毫米(高)

